fredag den 2. december 2011

Audrey Kathleen Hepburn

I have chosen Audrey Kathleen Hepburn as the person I admire. She was born May 4. 1929 and dead 20. January 1993. Today she is a very well-known person, who most of all is known from the photo you see on top of this text. One thing is that she was extremely beautiful (as you can see on the picture), but she was much more than that. I admire her for her strength and for being such a good and giving person. She was born in Belgium and grew up in the Nederland, where she experienced World War ll. She moved to London in 1948 where she was dancing ballet and working as a photographer's model at the same time. She became an actor later on in her life and today she is one of the world's most famous actresses of all time. The way she dressed was also a big inspiration and she was a big fashion icon. Later on in her life decided she to joined UNICEF. The experiences she got under the Second World War made her passion for humanitarian really big. She tried to help a lot of people and this was her biggest passion in life. I admire, that a person so beautiful and talent as Hepburn, still could see the important things in life and not only admire herself - that's the biggest talent Audrey Hepburn was given.            

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